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Capturing Pieces

Capturing moves are the most common in Fanorona and also required to do if possible.

A player can capture either by moving right towards to or by moving away from the enemy piece. By doing so, you can capture enemy pieces in the same line as you are moving.

However, if there is a space between you and enemy piece (as shown in the GIF below) it's considered as a non-capturing move. Remember, that you can only capture pieces in the same line as you are moving.

If there is a gap in the line of enemy pieces then you can capture only pieces before the gap in the line (as shown in the GIF below).

Sometimes happens that by your move you could take pieces you are moving towards and pieces you are moving away from at the same time. In this situation you are forced to make a decision - you can either take a line of pieces you are moving towards or line of pieces you are moving away from (as shown in the GIF below).